Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sailor Moon 9

15th Post! (I have a thing for the number)
Titles: Dubbed (ep 8): Nightmare in Dreamland Japanese (ep 11): Usagi vs Rei? A Nightmare in Dreamland
This is actually the first time the titles have been very similar!
In the Japanese Luna keeps telling them they have to find the Princess but they don't say anything about her in the Dubbed! I think Jadite looks cute being yelled at by queen Beryl.
Rei is so smart saying that Darien looks like Tuxedo Mask! (they make a great team against Serena)
So what happens is Serena and Rei fight a lot...

...they get captured in this dreamland amusement park...
evil doll attacks them...

...and they have to work together to defeat it!
This is a record of pictures in a post!! Tell me if you don't like it...

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Strawberry Panic

The most popular yuri anime. I like it a lot! I really love NON boy/girl relationships everything is so much better! The characters are drawn so pretty! 

Friday, December 24, 2010

Sailor Moon 8

Titles: Dubbed (ep 7): An Uncharmed Life Japanese (ep 10): Cursed Buses! Fire Warrior Mars Appears
Yay another sailor scout! :D
Ami: You know what look like? a silly love sick frog that's just waiting for a old bug to fly in its mouth! LOL
Sailor Mars is probably my favorite. She's so cool and finally someone is mean to Sailor Moon!
her fighting style is definitely the coolest
Tuxedo mask looks thinks he's so great driving the bus!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Fushigi Boshi No Futago Hime: The Twin Princesses of the Mystyrious Star

KAWAII ^.^ This is the most adorable anime I've ever seen! Its very colorful. Its about these two twin princesses- Rain (blue) & Fine (pink)- from the Sunny kingdom. There are seven kingdoms that live in the sun. When the light gos out the twins make the light come back with their magic the Prominence!
There are many different characters that all have their own style that's really cool.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Sailor Moon 7

Titles: Dubbed (ep 6): Time Bomb Japanese (ep 9): Usagi's Misfortune! Watch Out for the Rushing Clocks
this time I'm not going to wright about every scene comparing like I have been doing and making long posts. I'm just going to do a summery of it and tell the big differences. You: yay! no more page-long reading about just one little episode Me: less typing!

In this the villains messed up the time making everyone think they had to rush around or they would be late. The ending battle was the coolest so far. Sailor Moon and Mercury followed a really cool-looking villain into this time-warping place. Mercury brought out her compact computer and Tuxedo Mask saved them without them knowing.

Their were hardly any differences in the dialogue. The one huge difference I did see was the bus driver was on different sides. Of course in Japan and most other places the drivers side is the left but in America its on the right. So in the Dubbed it was flipped around to right except when Serena gets off the bus driver is on the left. :D Then when the villain takes away the Sailors' energy, she cuts Sailor Moon but only in the japanese version you see the cut. Also only in the Japanese do you see Sailor Moon's ninja dodging moves.

Black Cat

This is a really cool and funny anime. Its hard to figure out what its all about just through the first episode. From Anime News Network: Train Heartnet is known as the Black Cat for his quick reactions to attacks and his title as Number Thirteen as member of the secret society Chronos. He is an unbeatable master gunman, a cold and unfeeling killer until he meets Saya, a bounty hunter, or "sweeper". She teaches him the value of a human life, and that one should live in order to repent for one's mistakes rather than die because of them. Through her, Train learns to love and care for other people as he too becomes a sweeper and travels with his partner Sven and the mysterious girl Eve.
It looks really amazing! I love the ending song thats sooo cute^.^ I've always loved cats too!

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Pres Clinton was impeached... bla bal bla... Look for an Evergreen Day (even though everyone should already have their Christmas tree already- I do!), Oatmeal Muffin Day, and UN Day for South-South Cooperation, 
this day is boring. I don't think I'll be doing this kind of post again! exciting Bleach pics:

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Lucky Tora Need Star Dora Less

Last Wednesday I watched Lucky Star finally! It is hilarious!! I love it sooo much <3 It sounds a lot like the conversations me and my friends have ^.^

Thursday I watched Toradora! I love this too! its this love story of this clean-freak-dunkin-mom guy and a short wiry girl. amazing!

Friday I saw Needless. Freaking awesome! I herd about it a while ago but forgot to watch it. so now I did (the first episode anyway). the fight scenes were really cool. It was very peervy though too especially the ending song that had nothing to do with the anime. Guys would like this very much!!

Today and tomorrow I'm taking a break from new animes and watching D Grey Man (my new anime obsession) I've decided I'm only going to do new anime on Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays.

Sailor Moon 6

Titles: Dubbed (Ep 5): Computer School Blues   Japanese (Ep 8): Is The Genius Girl a Yoma? The brainwashing Cram School
It starts at the evil place. Jadite is telling the queen how school runs people's lives. Then Serena/Usagi's mom gets mad at her for her grades not studying more. The next part in Japanese is about Luna lecturing her about helping her stop the evil people and searching for the princess. Luna plays the game Sailor V. The password is The rabbit on the moon makes rice cakes ^.^ the rice cakes are sticky when its baked it explodes!  She complains that Usagi isn't really helping her. The computer tells the cat that one of the kids at Usagi's school could be a Yoma sent by the enemy. In English the password is I love tuna fish and field mouse pudding :D
Serena/Usagi meets the really smart new girl, Amy/Ami Mizuno, after Luna jumps on her. Then Usagi makes really weird faces! They go to the arcade and on her first try she gets a huge amount of points! Then the video game store guy that Serena/usagi likes comes out to give her a floppy disk the girl dropped. When Serena was trying to give it back they ran into Darien who herd Luna talking so they ran away very fast. They looked at the disk and saw that it brainwashed and concluded Amy/Mizuno was evil. guess what happens? She's Sailor Mercury! yay! and I think her transformation and power are much cooler than Sailor Moon's. I'm glad the other Sailors are showing up I'm getting annoyed with Serena. 
 The funniest thing happens during the fight- it made me laugh sooo hard. In the Japanese version only the red evil monster cusses! it actually says 'Damn it'! and this is suppose a kids show HA!


I'm not celebrating any of this but its nice to know :)
Saturdays, Tuesdays, & Thursdays are the days I'm going to post Sailor Moon stuff! yay

Friday, December 17, 2010


I watched X Tuesday. This was an awesome anime! the first episode amazed me! There were all these characters that I want to know all about. It went to like seven different people saying they all needed to go to Tokyo.  the main character Kamui epically intrigues me. He seems very mysterious and totally coolio. I can't wait to watch the rest and find out whats all happening in Tokyo and meet the characters in detail. 


I've watched a new anime everyday since Monday! but studying for finals and stuff I didn't have time to post and that includes Sailor Moon. I've also kept up with checking what days it is (today is wright brothers day, underdog day, national maple syrup day,   Now I'm catching up and posting again because I'm out of school for Christmas break! YAY :D

Monday, December 13, 2010

Ah! My Goddess

I watched just the first episode of this anime and I love it! I really liked the opening song and then the whole idea behind it is amazing. Its all about life and fate. The main guy character Keiichi is so cute and lovable! He is the underdog unlucky, never getting the girl but is sweet and caring. What makes it better is he rides a motorcycle and is in the auto club. At the end of the episode he called a goddess to him to change his fate.

new stuff

so I'm going to do some new things because I'm getting bored. I love weird holidays, random days, other countries independence days, the histories of what happened on days... stuff like that. Its cool to me. So today is ice cream and violins day. It is wayy too cold to have ice cream! why wouldn't ice cream day be in summer? but I did listen to Christmas music played on a violin :)
  Every time I go to an anime website I always want to watch everything! and theirs always something new so I'll never catch up! but I'll try to watch one episode of a new (or old that I haven't seen in a while) anime (or manga:) everyday. I'm still doing Sailor Moon posts but more on schedule- like twice a week.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Sailor Moon 5

Dubbed: (ep. 4) So You Want to be a Superstar Japanese: (ep. 7) Usagi Learns a Lesson! The Road to Stardom is Tough
It starts as always Serena is late for school. (I like how so many things repeat in every episode ;) her friend Umino/Melvin has a poster of a model and says she can be a star.
The first big difference is after you see Jadeite watching the model- Mikan/Saphron- sign autographs. In the dubbed it gos to Queen Beryl telling him not to disappoint her. In Japanese it gos right to Usagi and Naru in Usagi's room.
   Then They sing the theme song horribly. Japanese: its the actual music to the song Dubbed: Thy sing the song but it has an awkward  beat to it.
   Then Umino/Melvin gos to Naru/Molly's house and she dresses him like a girl XD but Molly in the Dubbed has a reaally annoying accent that's getting to me. Its really funny in the Japanese Umino acting like a girl! 
   The model gets attacked in the bath by a blue monster that takes her shape. Then the fake model hypnotizes people to want to be stars. Serena/Usagi trains Luna. Luna and her get in a huge fight because Luna doesn't think she should be doing anything else but being Sailor Moon. She started crying and saw Mamoru/Darien who was actually not so mean to her.
   So everyone else got really obsessed about being stars. In the Japanese Usagi hits Umino in the face with some ribbon. In the dubbed it gos on to the next part right before it hits him. The next part where it shows Marvin and Molly on a stage is cut short in the dubbed. In the dubbed also it keeps mentioning Queen Beryl but in Japanese it doesn't say a word about her.
   Tuxedo Mask saves her from being frozen and she defeats the monster with her tiara.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Sailor Moon 4

The next two Japanese episodes aren't dubbed. Episode 5 is called 'A Monster's Scent! Chanela Steals Love'. It's about Serena and her brother Shingo getting into a fight over having Luna. Shingo gets obsessed with a weird perfume smelling Chanela the bad guys gave him. Sailor Moon uses Moon Tiara Stardust.
   Episode 6 is called 'Protect The Melody of Love! Usagi is a Cupid'. This one is about Sailor Moon saving this jazz musician from a bat monster's high-pitch sound waves. The bat had a high sound tape that he thought was his love tape he wrote for the girl- Akiko. He put Sailor Moon on the cover of the CD titled 'A Waltz for Akiko' :-) but I noticed this is the first one where Tuxedo Mask isn't in it at all! I kept thinking what is this in the Dubbed version... but it isn't dubbed.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sailor Moon 3

The episode is called Japanese: (ep 4) Usagi Will Teach You How To Lose Weight 
English: (ep 3) Slim City
  Serena freaks out about gaining a little weight so her parents and brother talk to her. Dubbed: they say 'you'll work it right off' Japanese: they say she eats a lot and doesn't exercise so of course she's gaining weight!
   In the dubbed version it gos to Queen Beryl talking to liquidy see-through  Jadeite. He says how a lot of energy is spent exercising. In the Japanese version it just gos to Serena in school. Dubbed: the chubby girl talks about how she thinks going on a diet is bad and the black haired girl saying she loses weight fast when she has a boyfriend. Japanese: The chubby girl says how many times shes gone on a diet without it working and the other girl has never had a boyfriend. really different.
   When the girls go to the gym Jadeite tricks them into getting into these freaky pods. dubbed: its relaxation pods and it only just shows the queen watching them Japanese: Shape Ray to help them lose weight and then Jadeite shows up to tell the queen his progress.
   Serena faints on Motoki (Andrew) from not eating and dreams about him. Japanese: hes all like I will save you with the power of love! dubbed: he says she should eat a big steak! lmao!
Then she wakes up Japanese: Motoki says he likes the chubby type girls Dubbed: Andrew wants to become a doctor and Serena gets worried he's going away. Then he says he wants to take her out to lunch.
   Then mean guy Darien (or Tuxedo Mask) comes to tease her <3. When did she learn his name in the dubbed? she hasn't said his name is Mamoru Japanese yet. Anyway she is eating a dumpling in Japanese and a doughnut in dubbed. They both have really different conversations too. Dubbed:he calls her selfish so she throws the doughnut at her. then says 'someday I'll beat him good' Japanese:she says to shut up, throws the dumpling at him and then says 'God what a jerk!'
   She talks to Luna in the park and its almost the same. Then Luna follows the teacher down some stairs into the freaky pod room. Dubbed: she thinks 'I'm getting strange vibrations down here' Japanese: 'why are their stairs here?'
   Then Luna gets all mean making Serena do her job as Sailor Moon. I love Luna by the way. Dubbed: she fights to save Ms. H and calls out 'moon tiara magic' Japanese: she fights to lose weight and has to break the rings on the guys heads. She calls 'moon tiara action'.
   Jadeite returns to the queen. In the dubbed Beryl is disappointed in him but in Japanese she is impressed he gathered energy and considers it half-successful.
   At the end Japanese: Ms. H was out for a week but is fine. She is still thinks shes fat. Dubbed: her brother played a trick oh her that made her think she was 300 pounds.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Sailor Moon 2

I hate that the last post was sooooo long. I had to explain things in that one the rest won't be as long I hope.
So I was very confused when I saw the second episode of both English and Japanese were completely different. Then I found out that the Japanese version has six more episodes than the English. So episode #2 of Japanese -I'll Punish You! The Fortune House is a Youma's Mansion- wasn't dubbed. It was about Sailor Moon saving Umino (her guy friend-Melvin-) from the evil people taking his rebellious youth energy. It showed how Umino likes Selena but she likes Motoki (the video game guy) and she went all heart-eyes for Tuxedo Mask <3.
   The next episode is called Japanese:Mystery of the Sleeping Sickness, Protect the girls' hearts in love
English: Talk Radio
   It starts out where Queen Beryl is telling Jadeite to get more energy. Japanese: she gives him a lot of crap because he failed her again. He tells her that he is working secretly with his minion Flowa. English: he says that he found out that the humans give most of their energy to love and its a weakness.
   Serena listens to the love talk radio. English: she dreams of being a radio DJ. Japanese: she wants to wright a love letter to get a flower brooch.
  Her parents are at breakfast. English: Its their anniversary and the dad remembers Japanese: the dad reads the paper and sees a sleeping illness that's going around.
   The next part ,when the teacher has a flower brooch on and gos to sleep in class, is the same with different words. English is funnier to me.
   Luna sees the video game guy. English: The guy knows Luna's name. Japanese: She is worried he herd her talk and he gos to get her some milk. There is a moment where Luna's eyes light up (not in dubbed) wishing Serena treated her like that.
   The teacher gos to the hospital and the radio people are frustrated with having many letters for a show that doesn't exist. Both basically the same. Then Naru and Serena are talking about writing a letter. English: you can reaallly hear Molly's accent coming out and it annoys me. Serena runs into that guy calling her names again. Every episode she seems to get more angry at him! <3 <3
   Serene can't think of anything to wright and gos up to the radio but the guard tells her there isn't a Midnight Zero. Luna points out that it isn't in the news paper ether. same. end of the first half.
   Naru gets a flower brooch and gets her energy taken away. When Serena touches her she falls asleep and sees Tuxedo Mask in her dreams <3 he almost takes off his mask! English: she says 'maybe you want to take me out for a hot fudge sundae' Japanese: 'could it be your my future boyfriend?' Then it has a sort of chibi Serene showing how happy she is (that's not there in English)
   The next is the bad guys. English: They were talking about having endless supply of mega force for Queen Beryl. Japanese: How useful the Midnight Zero and the flower brooches were.
    Then Serena and Luna go back to the radio place where Luna gives her the Luna Pen. how its activated is different. English: she has to yell 'disguise power' and she tells it she wants to be a sophisticated talent agent. Japanese: she yells 'Moon Power' and turns into a beautiful newscaster.
   After she stops the broadcast, gets attacked and turns into sailor Moon Japanese: she calls him the abdominal snowman :D and he tells her his name is Jadeite.
   When she gos after Jadeite she fails but Tuxedo Mask's rose saves her. Japanese: get gets all heart eyes for him again! and he says 'good-bye. we'll meet again' English: Tuxedo Mask says 'Don't give into them, Sailor Moon' and she calls him handsome and mysterious. She also thinks the rose has special powers.
The end is cute writing a letter to Tuxedo Mask <3

Friday, November 26, 2010

Sailor Moon

I love this show so much! I watched it a lot when I was little. I saw it on animefreak and decided I was gonna watch it to cheer me up from the lousy Iron Bowl turn out. (stupid Alabama letting very stupid Auburn win!) Anyway I went back and forth between the English and the Japanese versions of Sailor Moon. I usually always like the Japan version better. Its less kidish, more of the time seems to make more since and hearing the language is just awesome. But English sometimes is more understandable and is usually easier to laugh at!
I'm going to compare the English and Japanese of every episode (In the fist season) because I love it and this is what I have to say about it. :)
     The English episode's name is 'A Moon Star is Born' and Japanese is 'Crybaby Usagi's Magnificent Transformation'. Note how I use names. I could say the American version or dubbed versus English. I could also say subbed for Japanese. I don't like the name Usagi so I'll just call her by her english name- Serena. But sometimes I like their Japanese name better so then I'll use that one it just depends.
   Right off there is the difference in the theme song. The tune is the same but even with the English subtitles the words are completely different. That surprised me a lot. In the English version it starts off with an explanation about the moon civilization -ruled by queen Serenity- was taken over by queen Beryl. The Japan version gos strait to Serena waking up late then gave an explanation of who she was (that the English didn't give).
The English's beginning made me laugh
Mom: you said you were getting up right away
Serene: and you believed me?!
   When she saves the cat Luna she calls after the kids 'rotten brats!' in the English but in Japanese she's just 'I can't believe it'. Its strange like that. Usually -from what I've seen- the japanese is harsher with their words, like it is a couple times later in the episode. Then in English Luna talks in her head but doesn't in Japanese. That's not that important though because of course Luna talks later.
   The next part were she gos to school is almost completely different even though its the same picture. In the English version she says she saw a new sailor V video game on TV and the teacher comes in saying that she shouldn't be watching TV if she's failing her test! Then she's outside with her friends and all sad that she won't be able to play her new game so the girls decide to go shopping to cheer her up. Their guy friend talked a little without moving his mouth.
The Japanese version though didn't even mention that their was a video game. She was just eating her lunch for breakfast when her teacher came in. Naru (Molly) and Serena had a completely different conversation. They talked about the Sailor V who saved the jewelry store from a robber. Then they go into who Sailor V is and even show a picture of her. After they only talk about jewelry and going to jewelry store that's on sale. 
   The next scene is the evil queen Beryl's layer and she sends Jadeite to get energy from humans. Its pretty much the same except in the Japanese version it mentions that the legendary silver crystal hadn't been found.
   I love how the Japanese version has cool music to go behind what the evil guys say and in the English Molly has a like a northern accent.
   Anyway when Serena walks out she meets who I know to be the Tuxedo Mask. In Japanese he calls her a dumpling head and in English a meatball head. ha! When she looks back at him she says 'he sure is cute' in English and in Japanese its 'what a weirdo'.
   When her mom got really mad when she saw the test grade in the English she made her go to the library to study but in Japanese she kicked her out of the house. lol Then their was this whole part about her brother coming home and kicking her that only happened in the Japanese version.
    In the Japanese version Serena calls Luna 'the cat with the crescent bald spot'! also in Japanese she has to say 'moon prism power makeup' to activate Sailor Moon. In English its just 'moon prism power' which I like better.
   A demon evil witch thing Morga poses as Naru's mom and it tells Naru (as its choking her) that her mom is trapped in a basement, in the Japanese version. That seems harsher than in the English version, just saying like I will destroy you and the rest of the world. Later when Morga is destroyed Jadeite is harsher in the Japanese version saying 'you screwed up. you idiot!' (screwed being a cuss word! lol) in English he said 'someone will pay dearly for this'
   When Sailor Moon is crying about how she can't fight, Tuxedo Mask steps in to help. I think what he says in both is super cute. Japanese: 'crying isn't going to solve anything' then she cries louder and it hurts the evil things ears.
English: 'look into your heart and find the warrior within you. It is your destiny'   sweet!
   At the end in the English version there was this annoying motto thing 'this is what we learned' but in Japanese it just went into the ending song (different from the theme song).

First Post!

So making a blog. fun. this is just going to be a bunch of random stuff. Sometimes about anime or books I'm reading or stuff I wright, just anything interesting to me. It may also be interesting to you! comments would be nice... good or bad.... so yeah coolio