Saturday, November 27, 2010

Sailor Moon 2

I hate that the last post was sooooo long. I had to explain things in that one the rest won't be as long I hope.
So I was very confused when I saw the second episode of both English and Japanese were completely different. Then I found out that the Japanese version has six more episodes than the English. So episode #2 of Japanese -I'll Punish You! The Fortune House is a Youma's Mansion- wasn't dubbed. It was about Sailor Moon saving Umino (her guy friend-Melvin-) from the evil people taking his rebellious youth energy. It showed how Umino likes Selena but she likes Motoki (the video game guy) and she went all heart-eyes for Tuxedo Mask <3.
   The next episode is called Japanese:Mystery of the Sleeping Sickness, Protect the girls' hearts in love
English: Talk Radio
   It starts out where Queen Beryl is telling Jadeite to get more energy. Japanese: she gives him a lot of crap because he failed her again. He tells her that he is working secretly with his minion Flowa. English: he says that he found out that the humans give most of their energy to love and its a weakness.
   Serena listens to the love talk radio. English: she dreams of being a radio DJ. Japanese: she wants to wright a love letter to get a flower brooch.
  Her parents are at breakfast. English: Its their anniversary and the dad remembers Japanese: the dad reads the paper and sees a sleeping illness that's going around.
   The next part ,when the teacher has a flower brooch on and gos to sleep in class, is the same with different words. English is funnier to me.
   Luna sees the video game guy. English: The guy knows Luna's name. Japanese: She is worried he herd her talk and he gos to get her some milk. There is a moment where Luna's eyes light up (not in dubbed) wishing Serena treated her like that.
   The teacher gos to the hospital and the radio people are frustrated with having many letters for a show that doesn't exist. Both basically the same. Then Naru and Serena are talking about writing a letter. English: you can reaallly hear Molly's accent coming out and it annoys me. Serena runs into that guy calling her names again. Every episode she seems to get more angry at him! <3 <3
   Serene can't think of anything to wright and gos up to the radio but the guard tells her there isn't a Midnight Zero. Luna points out that it isn't in the news paper ether. same. end of the first half.
   Naru gets a flower brooch and gets her energy taken away. When Serena touches her she falls asleep and sees Tuxedo Mask in her dreams <3 he almost takes off his mask! English: she says 'maybe you want to take me out for a hot fudge sundae' Japanese: 'could it be your my future boyfriend?' Then it has a sort of chibi Serene showing how happy she is (that's not there in English)
   The next is the bad guys. English: They were talking about having endless supply of mega force for Queen Beryl. Japanese: How useful the Midnight Zero and the flower brooches were.
    Then Serena and Luna go back to the radio place where Luna gives her the Luna Pen. how its activated is different. English: she has to yell 'disguise power' and she tells it she wants to be a sophisticated talent agent. Japanese: she yells 'Moon Power' and turns into a beautiful newscaster.
   After she stops the broadcast, gets attacked and turns into sailor Moon Japanese: she calls him the abdominal snowman :D and he tells her his name is Jadeite.
   When she gos after Jadeite she fails but Tuxedo Mask's rose saves her. Japanese: get gets all heart eyes for him again! and he says 'good-bye. we'll meet again' English: Tuxedo Mask says 'Don't give into them, Sailor Moon' and she calls him handsome and mysterious. She also thinks the rose has special powers.
The end is cute writing a letter to Tuxedo Mask <3

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